Welcome to The Writer Games, a celebration of writing and wit in the spirit of the Winter Olympics! Like the real Olympics, this is a two-week contest and involves medals, interviews and prizes. Unlike the real Olympics, you do not have to worry about whether the Zamboni (or its generic equivalent) has left the ice looking more like a mogul course than a skating surface.
You have only two days left to compete!
Without further ado I bring you today's event,
Downhill Skiing, a.k.a. "It's All Downhill From Here,"
or One-Minute Classics.

Today we are competing in that writing trait beloved by editors: efficiency, sparsity of words, the complete opposite of verbosity (which I naturally tend to in spades).
So in honor of speed and efficiency and those Olympians who fly heedlessly downhill risking life and limb to beat the clock, I give you
Choose a favorite book and sum it up in less than fifty words.
The Writer Games is nearly done! Only two days left.
You fabulous word athletes have battled
Opening Lines
Rhymes revisited
and now Synopses.
The events are still open; Click the Links above to join in!
Anyone may enter. Give it a go! Your great brain is needed!
Judging will close at midnight on Friday.
My synopsis attempt:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Snake-whispering orphan misfit finds a niche at Wizard school. He breaks rules, makes friends and enemies, finds a stone of immortality, saves his school and discovers he is a natural at broom sports as well as the savior of the wizarding world.
Harry Potter: Lightning scars attract trouble and girls.
Lord of the Flies: Don't get stuck in the wild with a bunch of kids if your nickname is piggy.
Hunger Games: Being the main character in a book about a violent dystopian future attracts trouble and boys.
Lord of the Rings: Don't trust Gollums.
Where the Wild Things Are: Anger is powerful and will get you what you want in the end.
Goodnight Moon - An evil bunny elder tries to brainwash a possible dissident using mindless repetition. Drugs in the oatmeal are merely a diversion and the moon is held hostage.
Gone With the Wind - Young corporate forces battle for property using diversionary tactics. Velvet curtains save the day.
Catcher in the Rye - youth struggles with metaphors for cold - only the sister understands the code.
The Giving Tree: A tree gives, a boy takes. We're all self centered and terrible people.
Charlotte's Web: Words save lives and bacon.
Twilight: True love is ageless yet cold as stone, literally.
PS. My word verification is "pinrob". I looked it up; I wish it were a real word so that I could call the next person who annoys me a pinrob. It sounds so insulting.
The Bible: Don't do that. Stop doing that. No doing that.
(I kid. I kid. Relax. Put down the high powered rifles. Sheesh.)
Twilight: Girl spends hundreds of pages yearning for boy who takes way too many pages to tell her that he is a vampire. Nothing much happens.
Runaway Bunny: Beloved children's book author/illustrator pair take acid and bunnies start turning into stuff.
Amy, you win! Bacon. HA! Love it!!
Rikki Tikki Tavi by Kipling
Hyper caffinated mongoose find home and friend in boy, who he protects from overtly persuasive cobras intent on the families distruction.
War and Peace: Russia gives Napoleon the cold shoulder.
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Down hill skiting Games
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