Welcome to The Writer Games!
If you are just joining us, I'm hosting a two-week series of Word Olympics in honor of the Olympic Winter Games in Canada.
Unlike the real Olympics, you don't have to wear spandex in order to compete in the ice events, but you do get to play for prizes, including blog interviews, medals
and a grand prize that's almost too colorful to believe.

To check out the rules, see yesterday's post:
Today's game is a simple nut to crack. No, wait, that's a metaphor.
I did think of making this "Mix Your Own Metaphors" but that will have to be a party to host another time - Mix your own drinks and metaphors. I have a feeling the writing games get better and better with each successive sampling.
Back to our Event: LUGE, or SIMILES. I'm not quite sure why it's related to sliding down an ice chute, but it is. So have at it!
Complete your own simile, starting with the following "winter" theme:

Don't Olympians get a few chances to best themselves? In the SIMILES event, Word Olympians can enter up to three times.
As mentioned yesterday, events close at midnight on Friday, February 19, with winners to be announced Monday, February 22.
My tries (I promise I won't give myself any prizes. I may peek at the last page of a novel before I get there, but I'm not bad-sported enough to treat myself to my own prizes!):
Cold as a morgue secretary.
Cold as a chilblain.
Cold as the permafrost "hairdo" she was sporting.
(Let's just get this one out of the way, shall we?
Cold as a Titch's Wit.)
Cold as the day you walked in wearing your daughter's dead kitten as a scarf.
Cold as the bottle of beer leaving rings on the desk of the custom agent as the duck tape starts to lose its grip on the parcel in your pants.
(That one was for my dad, who made me watch Midnite Express the week before taking us to the middle east.)
should it be "....cold as" since these are all incomplete sentences? (Martha just felt shivers, I bet)
Yeah Jesse, I was a little fuzzy on how to present incomplete sentences. I remember watching that movie before the trip to the Middle East. It probably saved us from a life of crime, kept us disillusioned teens scared out of our gourds. Thanks for your cold contributions. I will have some interesting images seared in my brain forever now. Thanks.
Here are my three -
cold as a politican's dreams...
cold as her feet on his back...
cold as the doorway where you left me...
Can I tell you how much I love your paperclip Olympic-like rings? Love them! I will try to play...must think...must think...
Cold as a bikini in a blizzard
Cold as a scream answered with silence
Cold as a shadowed alley
Hi Faith,
I noticed that you are reading The Midwifes Apprentice. I thoroughly enjoyed that book, and hope that you are too. Its ending was so satisfying. As cold as an Eskimo Babys Butt in the midst of a diaper change...
I'm as corny as Kansas in August, I'm as cold as the Forth of July on Pluto.
Here are mine -
cold as a man who has forgotten how to smile
cold as the book that does nothing to you
cold as the botoxed beauty who never smiles because she's scared of wrinkles
I only have one- and it took me all night to think of it-
"cold as a porcelain toilet seat in a glacial wind!"
Ooh, folks! I feel so, so, what's the word I'm looking for? Not hot...
Great chilly entries so far!
Hi Faith,
I love your contests and the answers people are leaving. (and I still get shivers about that movie and I didn't even follow it with a trip to the Middle East--yikes!)
My three:
Cold as the gatekeeper's eyes.
Cold as a night on a glacier.
Cold as her grandmother's fingers.
Jesse, ha ha!
Cold as an ice queen's sphincter.
Cold as an Alaskan popsicle.
Cold as a penguin's nubbin.
The one about the Eskimo baby's butt really cracked me up. I will try and think of some good ones.
Mariah, I liked that you "cracked up" over the baby's butt. Very nice!
My blood turned to glacial sludge when I read my "Writer Games" entry: I misspelled "fourth". What am I, new here? And with Martha scanning, always scanning the horizon, looking for strays, nimrods, lingo bugaboos, and fuzzy notions. I'll do laps.
cold as a "Titch's Wit" in a brass bra on the shady side of an ice berg.
not original...i heard that about 30 years ago and i've yet to find a colder description of cold.
Finally thought of my first one
Cold as the Thanksgiving turkey after my mom's prayer.
As my father was famous for saying:
WARNING: Parental Guidance Suggested
Cold as a nun's left tit on a Saturday night.
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