For those of you who have been following The Writer Games,
today is the day to meet your medalists!
It has been an absolute hoot reading each and every entry.
(Drumroll please.)

Opening Lines:
Martha Brockenbrough
Lori Van Hoesen
Tricia O'Brien
(five-way tie)
Corey Schwartz
a dash from donna lyn
Heat 1: Soozi, BJW (tie)
Heat 2: BJW
Heat 3: Jan Morrison, jesse joshua watson (tie)
Heat 4: BJW
Heat 5: BJW
Heat 6: BJW, jesse joshua watson (tie)
Rhymes Revisited:
Julia Kelly
Jan Morrison
Amy Watson
(Charlotte's Web "Words save lives and bacon.")
jesse joshua watson
(three-way tie)
Bonus Round Word Find:
for those of you who even dared to dream that you'd win, I'm so sorry.
Martha Brockenbrough
blew everyone miles off the ice rink
Last Lines, or Best Tear-Jerk/ Knee-Jerk Reaction:
for having the uncanny ability to produce
emotional responses in nearly every event,
jesse joshua watson
competing at greatest distance,
Best Use of Potty Humour:
for consistently bringing it all back to the toilet,
and why he will be an incredible children's novelist,
Best All-Around:
for having the ability to compete wittily in all events,
Jan Morrison
I will be contacting each medalist to discuss prize delivery.
Think about whether you would like the Gold Doubloons sent together
with the diamond-encrusted lipstick case and the pet snow leopards,
or if you would rather have them couriered to your door in person.
Three cheers to The Writer Games olympians!
I feel so humbled and yet stupendous! I want to thank my crazy family (which seems to be like your crazy family) which believed that there is no better way to waste the day but in word games and shenanigans!
WOOO! This was fun. :-)
Amazing games--thanks for the fun!
Thank you, Faith.
I just wish I could have competed more, and competed better. But it is the participation that matters, isn't it?
Lots of fun Faith Pray!
I would like to thank the Academy, and the other writers who made me feel like there were hounds after me.
Thank you for the honor of competing with the worlds greatest word athletes!
Thank you for all your hard work Faithy! It was a blast. Ben and I read over a bunch of the responses again last night and had another good chuckle.
wow, i feel so honored! i've never been an olympic medalist before if you can believe that. i agree about jesse's heart-tugging triumph in last lines...i can't wait to read the first 250 pages - go jess!!!!
Hey Wow! Thanks! I've been away from the blogosphere for a few days. It was a pleasure reading everyone's witty entries. :)
Oh, my email is vanhoese@msu.edu Thanks for hosting this fun event!
Hey ho, hey ho, it's back to work we go...the games are over, we're not in clover, hey ho, hey ho.
my email is mobudgeATNSdotsympaticodotca
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