Practice makes music. 
Bea’s mom whirls away at her new job.
And Bea is a whirl, too.
She's planning a surprise. But she has to practice.
“Practice makes music,” Bea says.
It’s not the kind of gift you wrap, but Bea hopes her surprise will brighten up some hearts.

Show time!
Jules’ Gran comes. Uncle Moony, too.
Bea’s mom takes the night off.

Show time!
Jules’ Gran comes. Uncle Moony, too.
Bea’s mom takes the night off.
“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to our show!”
Bea plays.
Jules plunks.
Charlie plays Bea’s cat: Tail swish. Whisker rub.
Purr. Purr. Purr.
Jules plunks.
Charlie plays Bea’s cat: Tail swish. Whisker rub.
Purr. Purr. Purr.
Faith, I've so enjoyed following this little joyful series! Would you be willing to sell any of your original artwork from these? I'd be very interested in purchasing some!
Blessed Advent!!
Thank you so much, Faith! Let's talk about the possibility of one of the originals: faith(dot)pray(at)yahoo(dot)com. Happy Christmas!
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