Monday, December 23, 2013

Light and Wishes

This year, this crazy Everest of a year!
Out of all of it - 
the stroke, 
the sickness,
the faintings,
the heart surgery -
out of all this year, 
I have packed this jewel into my life suitcase:

Even in dark times, there is light.
    Maybe not a beacon, blazing with answers.
    Maybe not something you can grab onto or tangibly feel.
    Maybe not a voice that speaks that everything will be alright
      - because sometimes, it's not alright.
    Sometimes the rotten stuff still happens - 
      like war, and poverty, and cancer, and loss.   

But I have this for you, my friends...
Even in the dark times, there is light.

    Light of hope in something better. 
    Light of remembering shining moments already lived.
    Light of kindness and compassion in friends and strangers. 
    Light of faith.
For me, it is faith in Divine Arms 
that stooped down to walk in human skin
and faced trouble with love. 

in Divine Arms that are just there, like in these old words - 
                      "the eternal One is your hiding place, 
                       and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Even my darkest times this year, 
there was light.
Not blazing. But enough.
Even in my most scared, most vulnerable times,  
there was this awareness of not being alone.
Not anything tangible. But enough.
Everlasting Arms.
Here is my wish for you, friends.
I wish for you 
in each of the sacred rites of the day - 
dishes, drop-offs,
broken pencils,
squabbles and stomps,
"stop wiping your face with pancake!" 
"don't squirt tomatoes on the ceiling!"
and writer's block,
and in all the great gulps,  too -
a happy home,
a healthy heart, 

like everlasting arms, 
Love that surrounds and lifts 
when you can't lift yourself.
that goes down to your very roots and comes up laughing.

and Light. 

I wish you the deeps, my friends. 

Blissful Christmas!
Bright New Year!
Beautiful Life!



Molly/Cece said...

Thanks for this. So thankful for another sunrise, and we are both here. Peace. molly

Barbara Davis-Pyles said...

Wishing you and your precious family much peace and love, Faith... and a 2014 chock-full of giddy wonder and the light of a thousand suns!

m. bloom said...

Oh, Faith -- You are wonderful. Bless your precious heart, bless your beautiful brain and every other wonderful bit of you.

Sending to you and all who you hold dear lots of love and light (wherever it might be found) --

Richard Jesse Watson said...

Beautiful, Faithy. Deeps are good.

Julia Kelly said...

Oh! I am so happy to see you posted! Been wondering how you were doing.....and you are so right the blessings and the light come from the Lord above and may he continue to heal and bless you in 2014!

Dawn Simon said...

You are so beautiful and wise. Here's wishing for a 2014 filled with light and good health. (By the way, that last pic is priceless.) said...

Thank you, Faith. Thanks for helping me look for the light, and Happy New Year to you and yours.

Vijaya said...

Faith, I had wondered how you were recovering. I'm sorry life has been so hard, but you've been given many graces. God bless you in the New Year.


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