with high style over here.

He sees his shadow, he doesn't see his shadow,
either way we get balloons

because Sugar Snack is four!
Bring on the sweets and sprinkles.

Sugar high!

I'm thinking of changing his name to "Cheeks."

Everyone likes a party.

Even small sewn friends.

Happy day, Cheeks.
And speaking of happy days,
Happy book birthday to Margaret Bloom of We Bloom Here.
"Making Peg Dolls" is a gorgeous book.
I can't wait to rave all about it.
And I will!
I get to be part of Margaret's blog tour, which starts today.
Margaret will be giving away a copy of "Making Peg Dolls"
to one of my lucky readers this month.
Stay tuned for giveaway details.
You can also visit Margaret as she tours the blog-globe.
Giveaways and surprises, oh my!
February 4th: The Crafty Crow
February 5th: The Magic Onions
February 6th: The Toymakers Journal
February 7th: Clean
February 8th: Anna Branford
February 11th: Red Bird Crafts
February 12th: Art is a Way
February 13th: Softearth's World
February 14th: Chocolate Eyes
February 15th: Rhythm and Rhyme
February 18th: Wild Faerie Caps
February 19th: Sacred Dirt
I'm the caboose!
It's going to be brilliant.
Hooray, Margaret!

and in other news, goodbye Pip's tonsils...
That's our next adventure.
I'll let you know how we do.
I, Crocodile, by Fred Marcellino
Little Tug, by Stephen Savage
Alphabet City, by Stephen T. Johnson
Shortcut, by David Macaulay
In the Town All Year Round by Rotraut Susanne Berner
That peg doll book looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
Lovely pictures,
cheers Marie
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