When the inner critic throws you into seas of doubt
Ask yourself questions that give you roots.

Why do you write (if you're an artist, a musician, etc. - why do you create)?
What are your time-stealers?
What will you give up for extra time to create ?
find rock to stand on.

Find good reason to get up every day and keep at it.
Why do I write?
words are music
music becomes word
and rhythm
word becomes story
worlds bright and painted
dream lands I can't quite reach
become firm apples to hurl,
glinting sword, highest tower
and gipsy lullaby
swirling dances before the fire
and I write because
I need no audience
only fresh paper
new pens
and time
my small
stone thrown back
to the sea
words are music
music becomes word
and rhythm
word becomes story
worlds bright and painted
dream lands I can't quite reach
become firm apples to hurl,
glinting sword, highest tower
and gipsy lullaby
swirling dances before the fire
and I write because
I need no audience
only fresh paper
new pens
and time
my small
stone thrown back
to the sea

WHY leads to WHEN and HOW, and for that I give you Anne Lamott:
"creative expression, whether that means writing, dancing, bird-watching, or cooking, can give a person almost everything that he or she has been searching for: enlivenment, peace, meaning, and the incalculable wealth of time spent quietly in beauty...
...The bad news: You have to make time to do this.
This means you have to grasp that your manic forms of connectivity—cell phone, email, text, Twitter—steal most chances of lasting connection or amazement...
what manic or compulsive hours will [you] give up in trade for the equivalent time to write, or meander?(Read more here.)
Time is not free—that’s why it’s so precious and worth fighting for."

Why do you write (if you're an artist, a musician, etc. - why do you create)?
What are your time-stealers?
What will you give up for extra time to create ?
And how do I keep two four year-olds quiet during nap time so I can write?
Now gather your answers, your bold rocks
and show that inner critic who the boss is around here.