Words still glomm together in my mouth
like lumps of peanut butter.
I speak to people and wonder if they notice, too.
Can one be socially stuttered, but robustly well?
Because I am so alive, so well
since the surgery.
Maybe these word troubles are writer's block,
part of my recovery from troubles;
an awakening to the idea that life is short.
that more than publishing stories,
I want to love.
to make it count wherever I am.
I still want to write, but my words are hiding.
I'm taking an art class.

And oh, what a class!
It's UCSD extension course llustrating Books For Children
with renowned book designer Joy Chu.
And it's amazing.

Maybe I'll find a back door to writing this way,
through visual storytelling.
Or not.
Maybe I'll just enjoy it -
watering a different part of my brain.
creating art.
(happy sigh)
And how does the rest of this garden grow?
How is that sacred dirt of every day?

We have a lot of dirt lately.
Lots of squiggly worms that I don't take pictures of -
like scowly faces, and kids throwing fits,
messy hair,

piled-up laundry,
crumbs under the table.
But how can I not be thankful?
Even for the wormy parts.
There is less to show from this garden now.
but more to feel.
more to soak in and wiggle around.
more family days.

a new outlook for Pip!

Sugar Snack turning five!
Not much of a gardener in reality,
still I will tend this sacred dirt,
I will water my back doors to writing,
and see what wriggles.
what grows.
What are the back doors in your creative life?
What are your cover crops?When you get stuck, discouraged or allover uninspired,
what do you plant?
How do you water your creative self?
Cooking class? Archery lessons? Trapeze?Balloon animals? Book club?

My friends,
I thank you for your friendship and patience.
for the many ways you make this world beautiful.
through your actions and special talents.
for your unique words and work.
for the nurture of your families and friends.
for the many creative ways you give of yourself to the world.
May your garden grow and grow
and grow,
with lots of good dirt
and wiggles.

Another bonus from my new class? Library finds!
Here are some of my latest faves:
Journey, by Aaron Becker (Won a well-deserved Caldecott Honor this year!)
Mr. Wuffles, by David Weisner (Another Caldecott Honor winner)
Sea of Dreams, by Dennis Nolan
Flora's Very Windy Day, by Jeanne Birdsall, illustrated by Matt Phelan
Harry & Hopper, by Margaret Wild, illustrated by Freya BlackwoodMissing Mommy, by Rebecca Cobb