It's United Nations Day.
Flags would be nice.
Meals from around the world.
Folk dancing.
We didn't get that far.
We spun the globe and colored pictures of continents.
Every tree starts with a seed, right?
She lived and breathed for the United Nations,
for women, for equal rights,
for women, for equal rights,
for the poor, for education.
Her legacy stands true and straight before me,
waving its branches:
Be brave! Help others! Stand up for what's right!
waving its branches:
Be brave! Help others! Stand up for what's right!
Women couldn't vote when my grandmother was little.
Which amazes me.
It's such a simple and essential thing
to have a voice, to be counted!
Which amazes me.
It's such a simple and essential thing
to have a voice, to be counted!

I'm grateful for the
whole forests of women and men before me
who fought
for me and my girls,
for our rights, for our vote,
for changes that have made this world better.
who fought
for me and my girls,
for our rights, for our vote,
for changes that have made this world better.
And here we are!
Voting day is around the corner.
Regardless of how it all turns out,
it's a beautiful gift
to have a voice that counts.
Some books that we love:
Grace for President - Kelly di Pucchio, illustrated by LeUyen Pham,
Ruby Mae Has Something to Say - David Small,
Imogene's Last Stand - Candace Fleming, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
How to Make and Apple Pie and see the world - Marjorie Priceman
...and here's a great game for future world changers:
"I Never Forget a Face" matching game, illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell