Publication is only one of the reasons we write. We write because we are writers. We write because we love to write."
- Karen Cushman.
Here are more lovely morsels from that magical session with Newbery novelist Karen Cushman.
Karen Cushman's Tips For Writers:
Have a writing place and time. Keep showing up.

2. Pay Attention :
Read 100 books like the one you want to write.
Read what you love and ask yourself why you love it.
Read books, blogs, magazines, news.
Join a writing group.
Read your own work aloud over & over & over.
3. Tell the Truth :
Know your characters and connect with them.
Find the truth of your writing self, your view, your voice.

4. Ignore the Outcome :
Quiet your inner critic.
Write what you always wanted to read.
Write with passion, from your heart, to bring something to people.
Publication is only one of the reasons we write.
We write because we are writers.
We write because we love to write.
Along with all the rich advice, Karen urged us to go out and make our own rules."I write what I can. That is my responsibility." - Flannery O'ConnorWords are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." - Tom Stoppard

What writerly rules do you live by?